Many quests are available, giving you something you something to do on a daily basis! The quest NPCs can usually be found at the main banks (Britain & Luna) but you can also say [Event or [Quest or single click click yourself to view your Achievements!
Global Quests
Can be viewed by saying [event
Some of them are seasonal, others can be done on a weekly basis!
*You may only claim your global quest rewards once per week. They are reset on every Monday.
Daily Quests
Can be viewed by saying [quest
Quests will be randomly assigned as soon as you press "START CHALLENGES", then, you will have 24 hours to complete them.
Dungeon Progress
Slaying monsters within a dungeon will give you experience towards this dungeon, once you reached max XP, you will be eligible to a reward. Once you collected your reward, your dungeon progression will reset.
A progress bar will appear on your screen as soon as you enter the dungeon
Training Quests
Warrior/Animal Trainer quests NPCs can be found at the main bank (Britain & Luna)
Upon accepting a quest (granted you have the requirements), you will be followed by a pupil or a mysterious creature which will kill creature and gain XP on your side. Upon reaching maximum XP, you will be rewarded with power scrolls, gold and special items!
Achievements are a great way to obtain achievement points as soon as you start your character!
Almost everything you do will give you achievement points.
You may see the common achievements by single clicking your character and clicking the "Achievement" option.