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Patch Notes - December 2024

Misc Changes:
Using peacemaking against another player will cause spell disturbance (fizzle) if used during casting stance.
Added a town item that will allow players to see when is the next Dungeon Domination event, if there is currently one in progress, it will show in which dungeon it is.
Added a new types of Dungeon Moongates. Upon using them or stepping on them, a countdown of 5 seconds will start, at 0, you will be sent to town (unless you are being pvp flagged, criminal, etc..)
Fixed an issue with overhead messages and healing spells not always displaying the right amount.
You will now get a "pop-up" when you completed the wilderness progression quest.
Monsters will now drop crystal skulls. Those can be placed on Champion spawns to manually trigger it. You may only place skulls on the altar associated to the dungeon.
(UOR) Non-blessed spellbooks with PVM attributes will now be within the monsters loot table.
Fixed a few issues with Bilgewater Danger zones.
Fixed a few issues with waterstained chests, you will now be able to see the remaining amount of creatures left to kill in order to be able to unlock the chest.
Adjusted some issues with VvV (King of the hill) battles. You will now get points depending on your prowess's and not only if you are on the winning side.
Added an "Event Gate" command which will allow me to easily start events
High end creatures will now attempt to do detect hidden.
Revamped the "realm portal" to make it much smoother to switch between the 2 realms.
​Added "Bleach" to tailors
Added "Veterinary kits" to tailor craft able items. They will allow to heal/resurrect all controlled pets in range.
Added a "Monthly Challenges" calendar to Britain/Luna bank which will allow you to see/claim rewards from previous months.
(AOS) Shepherd Crooks will now also provide magical attributes when crafted/looted
if You will now be able to unlock templates which will allow you to save and load templates on your character. With multiple templates, you can switch from being a warrior to a mage in a matter of seconds! This way, you can keep all your masteries, experience points, hue collection etc. one one character. The template collection can be accessed via the Compendium.
In order to promote dueling, a free dueling template was unlocked which means you will be able to set your dueling skills which will be set upon entering a dueling pit.
You can now add a description to custom items by saying [whatisthis , if an item has no description, you will be able to add one. If approved by a staff member, you will be rewarded. Then, the next time someone uses [whatisthis on an item, they will see your description.
Ethereal hues were added to the hue collections which means they will now be saved to your character. You may set your favorite hue within your collection which can be accessed via the compendium. Then, the next time you will mount an ethereal, itll have your personal hue! *If you previously had an ethereal with multiple hues, simply access its collection to retrieve the dyes from it.
Doom Dungeon is making a comeback!
Monsters from contested dungeons & Bosses will now drop master keys.
Those keys are used to enter the doom gate (which can currently be found on Chaos Isle) - the location will be different on next map changes as it will have its own special area.
Upon entering Doom, you will encounter 6 bosses, those creatures will be locked within rooms. Each time a boss is slain, the room to the next boss will unlock. Bosses will have a chance to drop special items. The last boss will also have a chance of dropping a champion Idol which is required to spawn the Harrower. Damaging the bosses will grant you event points. Once a boss dies, you may see your points by saying [BossDamage . In order to view your doom event points or to claim your rewards, you can say [Event.
*A single key is required to enter the dungeon. A whole party can enter with a single key as long as they are close to the portal when the key owner enters.
*The difficulty of the bosses will augment depending on the amount of players within the dungeon.
*You may not resurrect with the spell or the bandage within Doom, you will need to seek help from the Healer within the dungeon.
In order to summon the Harrower. You will need to slay all the Champions which have a chance of dropping an idol. Once all the champion idols are claimed, you will need to obtain a Harrower Tome which can be crafted by a Grandmaster scribe. Upon summoning a portal to the Harrowers lair, you will have 60 minutes to defeat it, else, it will invade the overworld, allowing anyone to defeat it and claim your loot.
Bosses from the Doom dungeon will have a chance of dropping new piece of armors granting special PVM bonuses.
Bloodstained => Chance to leech health points from damage done with weapons.
Cleric => Enhanced healing spells.
Harrower => +Strength statistics.
Lunar => Increased weapon speed.
Magus => Increased spell damage.
Nightmare => Increased weapon damage.
Phoenix => Increased fire spell damage/resistance.
Ranger => Increased creature damage.
Rogue => Increased stealth attack damage.
Toxic => Increased poison resistance.
Undine => Passive magic reflection chance.
In Krampus has invaded GLACIA, achieving tasks and slowing Krampus invasion will grant you Event/Monthly points. Say [Krampus or [Event to learn more!
Masteries got a pretty substantial update. Masteries will now increase up to level 30. Mastery abilities will now depend on what you are wielding.
Wield a weapon if you wish to obtain the warriors bonuses.
Wield a shepherd crook if you wish to obtain the tamers bonuses.
Wield a spellbook/magic stave if you wish to obtain the wizards bonuses.
The Quest Giver at Britain or Luna bank will offer you a large variety of tasks each week. Completing the tasks in the allowed time will grant you Achievement Points & Monthly Challenge points.
In order to keep making the Moongate as advanced and friendly as possible. Players may now unlock custom location slots.
Moar storage!?
On top of the already available storage tomes, two more tomes were added to the shop. A tome to store your resource maps and another one for your waterstained maps!
What is next?
As you may have heard, we are working on a very exclusive feature that will be implemented to our UOR realm : Sphere isle!
Once again, in order to reach a larger audience, we are offering the massive amount of features to Sphere players. Offering the unique Sphere mechanics mixed up with Unchained on a brand new, custom continent made by our new Sphere manager and incredibly talented Locomotive. You can learn more about our Sphere content here.
* Sphere isle is not a new realm like AOS. Its simply, a massive feature brought to the UOR realm.
Also, the following focus will be set on :
- Polishing current features
- Give some love to crafting/AOS artifacts in general
- A new character progression system that is in the work for warriors
- Polished Ninjitsu/Bushido for the AOS realm
And of course.. additional stuff suggested by the community!
Once again, thank you for being part of this and for spreading the word so we can continue to be the most ambitious classic server around!

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