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Special Item Attributes


If you are an Age Of Shadows+ player, you might be familiar with the item properties, if not, they can be viewed here.
* Those properties are not available in the UOR realm

However, some properties exclusive to PVM combat (against creatures) were added as rare loot from creatures, runic crafting, paragon and treasure chests etc..

Those special attributes are currently only available on weapons, pieces of armor and spellbooks. They might eventually be available on clothing & jewelry.






Attack Speed  => Attack speed bonus
Weapon Accuracy   => Accuracy bonus
Mastery Damage  => Mastery main ability damage bonus
Weapon Life leech    => On-hit life stealing effect
Paragon Conversion  => Chance to convert a monster into a paragon
Weapon Damage   => Additional weapon damage
Hunters Luck    => Additional chance to obtain special items from monsters
Boss Damage    => Additional damage to monsters above the "Abomination" title
Critical Damage  => Chance to do an additional 50% damage on hit
Area Damage   => Chance to hit surrounding enemies
Evasion  => Possibility to evade a melee attack
Poison Resistance   => Increased to resist poison spells
Curse Resistance    => Increased chance to resist curse spells
Mage Killer  => Increased damage to spell casting creatures
Savagery   => Possibility to trigger "Savagery" which increases attack speed and damage for a brief moment

Harvesting Luck  => Increased chance to harvest double the amount of resources
Crafting Luck  =>  Increased chance to craft an item of an exceptional quality
Scholarship  =>  Increased mastery XP gains
Vermin  =>  Increased defense against vermins
Undead  =>  Increased defense against undead creatures
Arachnid  =>  Increased defense against spider creatures
Daemonic  =>  Increased defense against daemonic creatures
Draconic  =>  Increased defense against dragons-like creatures
Elemental  =>  Increased defense against elemental creatures
Giant  =>  Increased defense against giants
Infidel  =>  Increased defense against humanoid NPCs
Reflective  =>  Possibility of reflecting incoming damage
Archeologist  =>  Possibility of summoning resource creatures when harvesting

Lower Reagent Cost  => Possibility of not using reagent when casting a spell
Lower Mana Cost  => Possibility of not consuming mana when casting a spell
Surging  => Triggered surging spells will deal an additional 30% damage
Spell Leech  => Possibility of healing from spell damage
Summon Surge  => Triggered summon surges will grant your summon additional attack speed and spell damage for a brief moment
Summon Heal  => When triggered, your summons will heal from their damage done
Magic Arrow  => Enhances the damage of this spell
Harm  => Enhances the damage of this spell
Fireball  => Enhances the damage of this spell
Lightning  => Enhances the damage of this spell
Mind Blast  => Enhances the damage of this spell
Summon Creature  => Enhances the statistics of this summon
Blade Spirits  => Enhances the statistics of this summon
Energy Bolt  =>  Enhances the damage of this spell
Explosion  =>  Enhances the damage of this spell
Flamestrike  =>  Enhances the damage of this spell
Earth Elemental  => Enhances the statistics of this summon
Air Elemental   => Enhances the statistics of this summon
Water Elemental   => Enhances the statistics of this summon
Fire Elemental  => Enhances the statistics of this summon
Energy Vortex  => Enhances the statistics of this summon
Summon Daemon   => Enhances the statistics of this summon


The harrower/doom bosses will also drop pieces of special sets! 


Here are the following available sets

​TOXIC  => Poison Resistance​

PHOENIX   => Fire spells damage bonus

ROGUE  => Stealth attacks damage bonus

UNDINE   => Passive magic reflection spell

NIGHTMARE   => Weapon damage bonus

BLOODSTAINED  => Life leech bonus

LUNAR  => Attack speed bonus

MAGUS => Spell damage bonus

RANGER => Tamed creature damage bonus

CLERIC => Enhanced healing


Each category receives distinct trophies and rewards tailored to its type. Additionally, champions emerge in three categories: PvM, PvP, and Artisan. These champions are determined by their cumulative achievements in subcategories. For instance, the PvM champion accumulates points from slaying paragons, bosses, and general monster hunts.


These champions earn their own statues prominently displayed at the main banks in Britain and Luna, along with crowns and tiaras as tokens of their excellence.

Possible rewards :
- Armored war steed (reduced PVM physical damage)
- Magical Dye tub - 10 charges (dyes about anything, and change hues on every dyes)
- Runic Toolkit - 75 charges (Top tier runic tool, allows you to change crafting system)
- Blessed Dungeon Map with 50 charges
- Item Bless Deed (1 month duration)
- Armored Death Shroud



Monsters (especially bosses and abominations) will have a chance of dropping sacred weapons. Those weapons will do special effects against creatures.

*In order to view the sacred weapons special ability, simply single-click it and chose the overview option.

*There is one sacred weapon per weapon type.



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