Once again, we have surpassed ourselves in bringing Ultima Online players the nostalgia they deserve. We have implemented a new feature exclusive to Unchained: SPHERE. Sphere is an Ultima Online relic that many of us have experienced; it can be compared to other eras such as Renaissance or Age of Shadows. We decided to infuse our UOR realm with even more nostalgia by integrating Sphere WITHIN! Consequently, we have created a whole new custom continent within our Felucca Map to welcome Sphere players.
Sphere within Renaissance?
Upon entering the game, players will be able to choose between the two original realms and Sphere. They will then be sent to Thornwall, the capital of our new continent. From there, they'll be able to enjoy the Sphere mechanics they love (detailed below) and the vast amount of content we offer. Players can also interact with Renaissance players if they decide to leave the continent, which they can do at any time, and vice versa.
Full loot PvP system with Thornwall as the only safe zone.
Fast-paced gameplay: you can cast spells while running.
No precast!
Various types of scrolls, enhancing magery gameplay (details below).
Multiple template options, rewarding pure templates (details below).
Sphere LOS (Line of Sight) combat mechanics.
Increased stat cap, with a maximum of 255.
Skill cap remains at a maximum of 720.
Invisibility and mana potions.
New weapon mechanics and special abilities (details below).
Automated PVP & PVM Events
All the great features from the beloved Sphere emulator, now on ServUO.
Learn more about the main Unchained features on our wiki.
Another era of plate mages?
We decided to improve some mechanics that became redundant over the years. We added "classes" and set a higher strength requirement for each set of armor, which means not everyone will be forced to wear plate armor. It will only be available to the strong!
Since your statistics can be raised as high as 120, focusing on a specific statistic will enhance your character. In addition to the bonuses you will receive from different types of armor, a multitude of templates are offered to you as new tools on the battlefield (PVP).
Bonus from focused statistics
Strength => Additional melee damage.
Dexterity => Additional archery damage.
Intelligence => Additional spell damage.
Bonus from the different type of armors (by piece of armor)
Leather => 2% increased spell damage.
Studded => 2% increased attack speed.
Bone => 5% increased melee damage.
Ringmail => Increased projectile protection.
Chainmail => Increased melee protection.
Platemail => increased spell protection.
Dragon => increased melee specials potency.

We If you played some of the old school Sphere servers, you may be familiar with the different type of scrolls. They play a fairly big role during PVP as they will dictate a part of your spell casting management. There is 4 types of scrolls.
XUO => At the cost of your own hit points, your spells will deal 20% more damage.
A9 => More mana costly but will deal 15% more damage.
NOS => Has reduced casting time but will be more mana costly.
UNCH => Has reduced casting time but will cost mana upon being used.
Considering that on most Sphere servers, melee characters are often left behind, we wanted to ensure they had a viable role on Unchained. In addition to greatly increasing the PvP melee accuracy, we introduced new melee attacks. Currently (though this could potentially be increased), each skill class has two special abilities. You will be able to choose your favorite using the gump that appears whenever you equip a weapon. Weapon abilities will randomly trigger depending on your Anatomy skill and have a 15-second cooldown. The trigger chance will be enhanced if you have the Arms Lore skill. The potency of the ability will different depending if you are using a one handed or two handed weapon.
* 2 handed polearm weapons range was increased by 1 tile.
Concussion Blow : Grants an intelligence curse to your opponent for a brief moment
Bleeding attack : Applies a damage over time bleeding effect on your opponent.
Crushing Blow : Deals additional damage to your opponent and drains a large amount of stamina.
Crushed knee : Injures your opponent, he will take damage on every steps for a few seconds
Paralyze Blow : Paralyzes your opponent for a brief moment, the duration depends on your weapon .
Mortal Strike : Your opponent will be unable to heal himself for a brief moment.
Double Shot : Attempt to shoot two arrows at once.
Moving Shot : If triggered, the archer will be able to shoot on the run.
Hindering Strike : Strikes your foes and make him unable to run at full speed for a brief moment.
Eldritch Leech : Drains some mana from your opponent.

Frequently Asked Questions
How is the skill gain on Sphere?
On Unchained, we wanted players to rapidly access the real content that we have to offer. 7xing a character will easily be done by casually playing the game. Skill gains in dungeons will be slightly faster than within town. Crafting skills are also slower to maximize than normal skills.
Can I interact with players from UOR / AOS?
Yes, you will be able to communicate via discord, the global chat and be able to travel to the main land at any time via the moongate!
There is plenty of housing room. We also implemented a "loyalty" system to prevent veteran players to rapidly place before others. In order to place a house, you will need to prove your worth and gain loyalty within the Thornwall community (20,000 for Sphere players, 100,000 for veteran players). Loyalty points can be gained via casual gameplay from slaying monsters, harvesting, crafting items etc.. - this only affects the new continent, you may place houses freely on the main land.
How many dungeons are on the new continent?
There is current 3 dungeons and a large amount of points of interest.
Full PVP?
Yes, the only safe zones are the Thornwall capital & the new player dungeons.
Will I lose my items if I go to the main land (UOR)?
Your character statistics & stat cap will change but the rest will remain.